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Department of Commerce
Personal Identity Verification Training


September 2005


1. To introduce you to your role as “Remote Issuer” in the Department of Commerce (DOC) Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Program.

2. As a Remote Issuer, you are required to complete this training.

What is PIV?

1. The PIV process provides a commonly accepted identification card and reliable form of secure identification for all Federal employees that:

a.  Is issued based on sound criteria for verifying an individual’s identity
b. Is strongly resistant to identity fraud, tampering, counterfeiting and terrorist exploitation
c.  Can be rapidly authenticated electronically
d. Is only issued by providers whose reliability has been established

2. A PIV card will allow you entrance into DOC facilities and will provide more efficient access to other Federal buildings.

Remote Issuer Role and Requirements

1. As a Remote Issuer,you will serve as an Issuer proxy and deliver personalized PIV cards to the authorized Applicant.

2. To be a Remote Issuer you must meet the following position eligibility requirements:

a.  Be a Federal employee or designee (e.g., contractor) authorized in writing by the PCIF Manager
b. Be a US citizen or US national
c.  Have a favorably completed background investigation (NACI or higher)
d. Have successfully completed the Remote Issuer training.


You will:

1. Receive a new PIV card and PIV Request Form from the PCIF Issuer.
2. Notify the Applicant that the PIV card is ready for pick-up.
3. Verify that the individual appearing in person is the Applicant by comparing the photo on the State or Federal-issued ID with the Applicant.
4. Ensure that both the photo and name match those on the PIV card.
5. Fill out Section D (Card Details) portion of the PIV Request Form (including the shaded area), sign the Issuer Signature block, and date.
6. Ensure the Applicant has received from the Sponsor a notice of the Applicant rights and responsibilities.
7. Have the Applicant sign the PIV Request Form accepting the PIV card and related responsibilities.
8. Return original PIV Request Form to the Registrar.

PIV Privacy, Security, and Protection

1. You have a responsibility to contribute to privacy, security, and protection of the PIV Program.

2. By Title 18 of the U.S. Code, it is a Federal offense to counterfeit, alter, or misuse the PIV card and system.

3. Your primary contribution to the privacy, security, and protection of the PIV program is to follow all FIPS 201 and DOC guidelines on handling Personal Information in Identifiable Form (IIF).


Your key functions include:

1. Notifying the Applicant that the PIV card is ready for pick-up.
2. Verifying the individual appearing in person is the Applicant.
3. Issuing the PIV card to the Applicant.
4. Returning the completed PIV Request Form to the Registrar.

Where to go for help

1. Personnel

a.  DOC Agency Identity Management Official - 202-482-4637
b. DOC Agency Official for Privacy –
c.  DOC PIV Card Applicant Representative - 202-482-5772

2. Documents

a.  DOC PIV-I Compliance Implementation Handbook
b. Local PCIF Operations Plan (Appendix A)

3. Web Sites

a. (Office of Security)
b. (Privacy Act of 1974)

Click here

To receive credit for
satisfactorily completing this training,
and to receive your certificate of completion.

You can also type or copy and paste the following link into your Web browser:

If you have questions about or need assistance with this training, please contact the Office of Security at or 202-482-8116.



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